大家是否注意到前一段时间 交易量极其的少, 极其的萎缩。
现在大家再研究研究, 这个量少区域过后,大多是什么行情。
希望大家踊跃回复。 我的看法是萎缩后一两周跌,〉5%的跌幅。 而后就是上升通道。 希望大家能给出些反例来, 大家交互交互。
美股投资预测博克-本版讨论不构成任何投资建议,投资者对自己的投资行为负全责,任何讨论均不代表本版立场,投资者应考虑市场的风险及自身承受能力进行合理投资。 Stock recommendations and comments presented on this blog are solely for research or study. They do not represent the authors' suggestion in this blog. Investors should be cautious about any and all stock recommendations and should consider the source of any advice on stock selection. The authors of this blog will not be responsibility with any loss of any investor.
大家是否注意到前一段时间 交易量极其的少, 极其的萎缩。
现在大家再研究研究, 这个量少区域过后,大多是什么行情。
希望大家踊跃回复。 我的看法是萎缩后一两周跌,〉5%的跌幅。 而后就是上升通道。 希望大家能给出些反例来, 大家交互交互。
现在的大盘根本就已经偏离了它的方向, 为什么?
因为它正好坐在了坐标原点, 经过多次的反复震荡, 下探反弹。 市场又回到了1320。这个分界点。 涨一点就有点高, 跌一点又有点低。
现在的消息面和基本面都比较偏熊,为什么大盘很强壮, 打都打不下去。
就是因为投资者怕失去又一个10%的机会, 而且场外有大资金, 跌点就给补回来。 买盘很旺。
这样做空盘就不可能大举做空。不然就成了空中加油。 越扑越旺。
有1280的支撑, 大盘不会弱到哪里去!
由于日本的影响, 我们降低对于大盘在5月中冲刺1400的期望。 日本的影响是深远的, 对美国短期是利短的。 长期决对是利好。 但是大家都没有看清短期对美国的影响有多大, 这就成为一个不确定因数,市场就会被人为因数操控, 第二季市场就有可能被人为扭曲, 不能反映市场的实质。
转了一圈,又到了1320? 大家是股票多了,还是帐户新高了? 来, 我们再战1340。 月底到了,基金又该不老实了!
现在很可能将是在1300-1340之间, 震荡盘整。
大盘应该在盘整中寻找方向。 我们就在盘整中寻找机会。
day three.
The Nikkei 225 sold off sharply in early trading Thursday as the Japanese authorities continued their efforts to contain the nuclear crisis. The index pared its losses though the trading session, ending 1.4% lower on the day. Other Asian markets also ended lower with the Shanghai Composite losing 1.1% on the day while the Hang Seng lost 1.8%.
European markets shrugged off concerns and rallied on the day. The FTSE 100, Paris CAC and Germany's DAX were up 1.6%, 2.2% and 2.0% respectively.
The consumer price index rose 0.5% in February as riding energy and food prices pushed the index higher. Excluding these volatile categories, the core price index rose 0.2% in the month. The rise in the core index was slightly h igher than economists had expected but is subdued enough that it is unlikely the Fed will take decisive action to slow rising prices.
Initial unemployment claims dropped by a larger than expected 16,000 last week to 385,000. The steady decrease in initial claims points to a continued, but slow improvement in the labor market.
(data is good, market goes up)
SP500 under 1280 for 2 days.
did you buy? I don’t know, but I bought a lot. I am kind of happy.
What I need is “BUY MORE” what is “”100%”” loaded ! still need some time, maybe tomorrow.
Japan knocked me down this time.
the fact is market closed under 1280 for one day.
U.S. stocks were down at midday on escalated fears this morning of a meltdown at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. On the domestic front, investors focused several economic reports.
U.S. housing starts tanked in February, the largest monthly decrease since 1984. New-home construction dropped by 22.5% compared with January's revised monthly gain of 18.4%. A 46.1% decrease in multi-family-home construction led the decline, while single-family-home construction dropped 11.8%. Building permits, which are an indicator of future construction, also fell 8.2%, and the overall results were much lower than the expected decrease of on ly 4.4%.
The Commerce Department reported that the current account deficit decreased to $113.3 billion in the fourth quarter. The current reading accounts for 3.1% of gross domestic product, and it is significantly lower than the 6.5% high in 2005. However, the deficit has been gradually widening since 2009.
The U.S. producer price index increased 1.6%, seasonally adjusted, which is its largest gain since June 2009. Energy and food prices led the increase, which also beat expectations by 1 percentage point. Core prices, however, only increased by 0.2%, and this is a sign that inflationary pressures are currently low.
( Everything looks bad, became worse)
But please buy at any time around Thursday and Friday. In your mind, it should just have one word : buy.
if it have two words, it should be buy slow.
won’t sell a penny from now.
when will be the end of this drop? it can last a month or two. but almost here is the bottom, it can be lower, but time to buy slow slowly.
Stocks took a dive this morning and remained in that position at midday following overseas sell-offs. Fears continued to come from Japan after Prime Minister Naoto Kan warned that the latest blast at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has created a high risk of a radiation leak about 30 kilometers around the plant. Meanwhile, elevated radiation levels in Tokyo have also been reported. Japanese stocks sank by more than 10.0%, causing markets in other nations to fall.
To ease fears, the Bank of Japan injected another JPY 20 million to add stability to the financial markets; however, the financial and energy sectors have taken a hit today resulting from uncertainty in Japan and the Middle East.
Meanwhile, U.S. investors also focused on several economic reports ahead of the Federal Open Market Committee's release of its latest interest-rate decision this afternoon.
U.S. import prices increased by 1.4% last month compared with January's revised data and exceeded economists' expectations of a 0.9% increase. Petroleum prices had a significant impact on the increase, rising by 3.7%, while food and metals prices also had an effect. Overall prices have gained 7.0% during the last five months and 8.5% in the last year.
New York's Empire State manu facturing index jumped by more than two points in March to 17.5 compared with February's reading of 15.4. The current number is the highest since June but below expectations as economists had predicted a gain to 18.3. New orders and shipments fell while employment improved.
(mixed data. everything looks bad)
Will be Buy Now, Buy slow. Don’t think about market or index from now. only word on your mind should buy, how to buy and buy what.
We feel sad and sorry for the disaster on Japan. We Sympathy the Japan and Japanese. But as we know, we still need be long live, need be surviving. Also as you know, this disaster will benefit some companies on China, Korean and USA, even others. We need steel, Concrete, medicine, tons of material and commodities. We also need help Japan.
As you know. we are just people under the sky, we invest for help, for support and for our living and our life.
We won’t panic. We won’t withdraw.
Show your support and make your money.
I bought today! More money, more responsibility!
More responsibility, need more money!
大家小心, 本周五是四重魔咒日.
Japan's Minister for Economy and Fiscal policy Kaoru Yosano looked to ease investor apprehension, stating that today's drop in Japanese stocks is within expectation, and the fundamentals of Japan's economy are still sound. Meanwhile, the Bank of Japan voted to inject an additional JPY 5 trillion into the country's economy in efforts to curb risk a version and poor business sentiment from having a negative economic impact.
No major economic data was scheduled for today, though retailers continue to report earnings and some mergers and acquisitions activity made headlines.
(no major data, stock show sympathy to Japanese and Japan. it will drop and should drop.)
But please buy at any time around Thursday and Friday. In your mind, it should just have one word : buy.
if it have two words, it should be buy slow.
won’t sell a penny from now.
as we said before. 1280 is a reasonable point for current market.
don't be too panic.
http://www.sina.com.cn 2011年03月11日 05:53 新浪财经
新浪财经讯 北京时间3月11日凌晨消息,纽约联储周四发布了下个月的美国国债购买计划。根据这项计划,预计美联储下个月将购买总额为1020亿美元的美国国债。
所谓“定量宽松”(Quantitative Easing),是由日本最早提出的一个概念,是在经济萎靡不振、银行信贷急剧萎缩的背景下,日本央行对从2001年3月开始的零利率(银行间隔夜贷款利率)政策的进一步深化,其内容是由中央银行向银行体系提供充裕的流动性,以便鼓励借贷和刺激经济复苏。(文武)
After posting the lowest figure in almost three years two weeks ago, initial jobless claims rose by 26,000 to 397,000 last week, said the Labor Department. Economists had predicted that claims would only increase by 7,000. Despite the increase, total claims have remained at fewer than 400,000 for the last three weeks, indicating more job growth than contraction.
The U.S. international trade deficit jumped by more than 15.0% to $46.34 billion, the highest level in seven months, according to the Commerce Department. The U.S. trade deficit with Chin a also expanded 12.5% to $23.27 billion. This growing gap may lead Congress to retaliate against China's currency policies. Total U.S. exports expanded 2.7% to a record $167.74 billion, but imports also increased by 5.2% to $214.08 billion.
The daily consumer confidence level fell to 75.4, the lowest level since September, according to the Rasmussen Consumer Index. This is 14.5 points lower than its reading a month ago. The all-time low was 54.7 on March 10, 2009.
( Data is bad. Everything turns in a minute. the market dropped huge. )
looks the table turned. 昨天邱之皓月喊完后,我就真的感到了恐惧。 不过大家都知道老邱就第一嗓子比较准。 第二嗓子就可以反着做了。
看今天的大跌,如果下两个交易日(明天和周一)没有大阳棒搞成双棒支撑的话,熊市可能会持续一段时间。 如果有大阳棒,直接吃入到70%的仓位都不为过。
1320买了的兄弟姐妹, 我以人格担保你们今年14%的收益。 这是我欠你们的。中长线就等着数钱吧。
今年悠忽了大家两次。 真是1280喊完后,就休息。 就真是牛鼻了! (为了追求更高利益! 反倒从哪来到哪去了。)
1320 以下买入的,虽然最坏可能是被套1-2月。但在这个点位至少应该保持50-60%股票仓位。
下来几天就是买入的机会。关键时间手不能软。 持续的多次的吃进,直到吃不动为止。现在购买频率不要太快。 等大家有些恐慌时或是趋势反转时,大胆吃入。
世界上有两件事最难:一是把自己的思想装进别人的脑袋里;二是把别人的钱装进自己的口袋里。 前者成功了叫老师,后者成功了叫老板,两者都成功了叫老婆。
Just relax. the end of day won’t come before all of us turns into ash. Have fun every day.
如果明天跌了,证明我在1月底和2月初出货并没有错误, 证明当时我的判断很正确。 用作中长线跑过大盘轻而易举。
如果明天破1300,而后反弹, 则证明我的1320-1400,极其可靠。 短线盈利劲头很足。
但是混在一起,看起来就会很矛盾, 不够统一。 其实想一想好像操作没有什么大错。
1. 当时在1290-1307之间出掉,主要原因是规避风险(暴跌, 〉10%), 而且知道肯定会回探1300, 买入机会很多。(但股票出尽后, 很快发觉短线风险极大。到现在为止,损失是最佳操作情况下的4%机会盈利。优势是规避掉当时的暴跌风险。 现在看来仍然操作正确)
2. 现在的考虑仍然是规避风险,1320到1400的踏空风险。 经过1340 到1300的几次震荡, 多和空头的力量都消耗不少。 那么1280和1300之间多个gap up的支撑作用应该有一定的支撑力量。
真正的决定因数经济在今年一定不会比去年差, 去年九月的1120-1800,和十一月的1200-1280。都经过严格计算的。 这次我讲1320-1400, 是给大家足够的进场空间。
中已经讲明 大盘应该会在1300-1340之间震荡一段时间。
可以这么讲就是保证大家1320到1400,大家都能吃到。 至于 1280 大家不要太存幻想。 当然大盘到了1400 也不会立即停止, 你还会有一个出货的时间。 就像我们喊1280, 但是我们知道1300一定会破一样。
同样出货,进货一定是一个过程,即便到了1280, all in的时候, 仍需保留些cash在bond,and market saving中, 这是规则。
不过这是仁者见仁,智者见智的问题。 同样是仁者见仁,智者见智的点位
发信人: winner4 (callme), 信区: Stock
标 题: Re: 声明一下: 近期的个人看法 (1320-1400) (zt)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 8 01:50:35 2011, 美东)
1300 不是那么好破的 。
今天没捞的, 明天捞。