Thursday, April 9, 2009
Deep Breathing -- cheapest and most important healthy method
(1) removal of excess fluids from body tissues,
(2) absorption of fatty acids and subsequent transport of fat, as chyle, to the circulatory system,
(3) production of immune cells.
So, how do you get your daily dose?
try The Deep Breathing Exercise 2-3 times per day. Here’s how:
* Empty your lungs completely by pulling in your stomach while you exhale.
* Take a deep breath in.
* Hold for twice as long as it took to breathe it in.
* Exhale for 4 times as long as it took to breath it in.
* Do this 10 times.
* Enjoy the rejuvenation!
google search: 'Deep Breathing'
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
搞faz,drys,ldk,china solar的朋友, 有几个是深刻研究过的, 又有多少是跟风的。
就算自己认为自己搞清了, 很多时间还经常出错。
就像她/他的日志里说的一样, 坚持多看, 多check, 少操作。
多看看其他牛人的操作, 看看他们是怎么做的。关键是如何处理大势和预计方向不同的操作, 这样进步比较快。
建议:订一两个收费博克, 看看大牛如何操作, 如何规避风险。 分析大牛的操作。
5 Unbelievably Solid Companies (from Motley Fool)
- Procter & Gamble (NYSE: PG). Has been paying dividends without interruption since 1890.
- 3M (NYSE: MMM). In February, 3M raised its dividend for the 51st consecutive year.
- Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO). This year, raised its dividend payout for the 47th year in a row.
- Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ). Raised its dividend for the 46th straight year in 2008.
- Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI). Has paid dividends to shareholders since 1887.
These five businesses have far surpassed the average -- each dates back at least 80 years. Even more impressive: Each has been paying a dividend for more than half a century.
Here's why
The benefit of dividends to shareholders is clear: You get paid cash each and every year regardless of whether the underlying stock is up, down, or indifferent. Furthermore, you can pocket that cash or use it to buy more shares of stock. Dividends, however, also have a benefit to the companies that pay them, and we think it's no coincidence that these long-lasting companies are all dividend payers.
That's because dividends -- and the need to be consistent in paying them once a company starts paying them -- force companies to be responsible with their cash. In fact, a recent paper by Douglas Skinner and Eugene Soltes of the University of Chicago found that dividend-paying companies have better earnings quality than their non-dividend-paying peers, and that "dividend-payers are less likely to report losses" [emphasis added]. And because companies only go out of business when they start losing money, it's clear that companies that don't lose money won't go out of business.
---> We recommend Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO), since summer is coming
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
把stop loss point移至在今天的高点,明天
现在是:信念和勇气 + 铁裤衩 !
没有看到大的利好或趋势改变, 我们不会修改这个结论。
Monday, April 6, 2009
State of Play (2009)
State of Play is an upcoming American political thriller scheduled for release in 2009. It is a film adaptation of the critically acclaimed British television serial State of Play, which first aired on BBC One in 2003. It is directed by Kevin Macdonald and written by Matthew Michael Carnahan, Tony Gilroy, Peter Morgan, and Billy Ray. The film tells of a journalist's probe into the suspicious death of a Congressman's mistress. Russell Crowe plays the journalist and Ben Affleck plays the Congressman. Support comes from Helen Mirren, Jason Bateman, Robin Wright Penn, Rachel McAdams, and Jeff Daniels. The plot of the six hour mini-series has been condensed to fit two hours, and the location changed to Washington, D.C. Macdonald said State of Play would be informed by the films of the 1970s, and explore the topical subjects of journalistic independence and the relationship between politicians and the press.
The film is being produced by Andell Entertainment and Working Title Films for Universal Pictures, which acquired the rights after they were subject to two bidding wars. Brad Pitt was to star in the role ultimately filled by Crowe, but he left the production after disagreements with the studio over the direction of script rewrites. Pitt's departure led to the postponement of filming, which was originally scheduled to start in November 2007. The delay meant that Edward Norton could not play the role of the Congressman due to a scheduling conflict, and he was replaced by Affleck. Principal photography took place from January 11, 2008 to April 6, 2008 in Los Angeles and Washington D.C. State of Play was to be released in the United States towards the end of 2008, but the production delay saw the date changed to April 17, 2009.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
十大最壮观地质奇迹 (1) zt
羚羊峡谷位于美国亚利桑那州的最北部,距离小城佩奇大约三十公里,是北美印地安人最大部落纳瓦霍人的属地。这里过去是野羚羊的栖息处,因峡谷里常有野羚羊出没而得名。峡谷总长约400多米,谷顶两侧的距离很窄,但由谷顶到谷底的垂直距离却高达十数米。狭缝型峡谷分为两个独立的部分,也就是上,下羚羊峡谷。上羚羊峡谷亦称“裂纹” 而下羚羊峡谷则称作“螺旋” 。光线完全是自然光通过不同深度的红色岩层缝隙的折射射入洞内的,因此光线时刻在变化,一年四季,甚至每天不同的时间,不同的角度看到的色彩都不同,置身其中,真似进入了一个五彩缤纷魔幻世界,令人终身难忘。
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十大最壮观地质奇迹(2) zt
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Friday, April 3, 2009
CDC: Rocket fuel chemical found in baby formula
The study by scientists at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looked for the chemical, perchlorate, in different brands of powdered baby formula. It was published last month, but the Environmental Working Group issued a press release Thursday drawing attention to it.
The chemical has turned up in several cities' drinking water supplies. It can occur naturally, but most perchlorate contamination has been tied to defense and aerospace sites.
No tests have ever shown the chemical caused health problems, but scientists have said significant amounts of perchlorate can affect thyroid function. The thyroid helps set the body's metabolism. Thyroid problems can impact fetal and infant brain development.
However, the extent of the risk is hard to assess. The government requires that formula contain iodine, which counteracts perchlorate's effects. The size of the infant and how much formula they consume are other factors that can influence risk.
The study itself sheds little light on how dangerous the perchlorate in baby formula is. "This wasn't a study of health effects," said Dr. Joshua Schier, one of the authors.
The largest amounts of the chemical were in formulas derived from cow's milk, the study said.
The researchers would not disclose the brands of formula they studied. Only a few samples were studied, so it's hard to know if the perchlorate levels would be found in all containers of those brands, a CDC spokesman said.
Earlier this year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said it was considering setting new limits on the amount of perchlorate that would be acceptable in drinking water. A few states have already set their own limits.
The EPA has checked nearly 4,000 public water supplies serving 10,000 people or more. About 160 of the water systems had detectable levels of perchlorate, and 31 had levels high enough to exceed a new safety level the EPA is considering.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Kim Kardashian
Kimberly Noel "Kim" Kardashian (born October 21, 1980) is an American celebutante, socialite, model, actress, apparel retailer,[1] and television personality. She is perhaps best known for her social life, sex tape scandal, and her role on the E! reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians.