Do you want to buy me a beer or coffee?

Saturday, February 28, 2009

街头霸王:春丽传Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li (2009)

Google Search:
 Street Fighter: official site, Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li 

  Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li, trial , rate, photos 

  kristin kreuk, Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li 

  kristin kreuk, interview, photos 

  Kristin Kreuk, photos. 

Director: Andrzej Bartkowiak
Writer: Justin Marks (adaptation)
Release Date: 27 February 2009 (USA) more
Genre: Action Adventure Sci-Fi Thriller
Kristin Kreuk ... Chun-Li
Chris Klein ... Charlie Nash
Neal McDonough ... Bison / Vega (Japan)

导演: 安德列·巴柯维亚
主演: 克斯汀·克鲁克 迈克·克拉克·邓肯 克里斯·克莱因
国家/地区: 美国
类型: 动作 / 惊悚 / 冒险 / 科幻


Google Search:
 Street Fighter: official site, Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li 

  Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li, trial , rate, photos 

  kristin kreuk, Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li 

  kristin kreuk, interview, photos 

  Kristin Kreuk, photos.  <--- Recommanded

check Kristin Kreuk photos directly here <--- Recommanded if you like Kristin Kreuk photos

Friday, February 27, 2009

股市误区 (佳作收藏)

股市误区假象之一: 股价看涨时买进. 股价看跌时卖出。
除非你了解跟庄策略的成本,空间和局限. 了解庄家对付跟庄的手段.

股神巴菲特的訣竅是: 避開熱門股票,等短期利空消息壓低某支績優股時全力買進. 然后耐心等待。

股市误区假象之二: 持股如上涨20%即回吐获利,如下跌10%立即壮士断腕,永立不败之地。

---- 上市公司的董事经理,财会仓库,生产技术等人员.他们对公司的技术,销售,赢利等情况了如指掌。
---- 股票分析,评级,播报机构工作人员及政府部门经济数据统计,播报工作人员。
---- 翻手为云覆手为雨的巨额投资基金, 老谋深算的索罗斯,巴菲特等”股神,巨鳄。
---- 无孔不入贪婪无耻的商业间谍,以及金融报刊杂志编辑,记者,印刷,发行等部门工作人员。
---- 执法证管会,监管证卷交易的雇员本身又是一个经手大量机密的群体。证管会雇员近水楼台违法乱纪的报导时有耳闻。

无法计算这些黑洞吸走了多少股民血汗. 有一点是可以肯定的,在无数“神偷巨鳄”们获取高额利润以后,

某公司因生产成本,销售,利润等问题,股价单季 (或单月)见低,双季 (或双月)见高,最后回到原点。


赌场输赢靠手气,凭运气。虽然名声狼藉, 北美赌场要比股市透明公平得多。

难以抗拒“一试身手”的诱惑. 摩拳擦掌,信心满满,前仆后继地奔赴战场. 为弱肉强食的股市带来源源不断的资金和财富。

散户炒股输赢概率?[股飞]论坛实时模拟账户3-17-2007 数据统计。参加交易操作的中国留学生, 学者共1310人。结果:85% 账户输于市场, 15% 账户胜出。

那麽, 普通散户有没有办法可以分享股市的繁荣,同时又避免成为“虎口羊群”呢?

有.答案简单而又平淡, 就是投资股市Index(QQQQ,SPY…),长期持有。
买进Index,赚取股市平均值, 炒股散户常常对此做法,嗤之以鼻,不屑一顾。


数据表明,美国股市平均年增值12%. 从1960至2004的44年里,股市S&P500回报49倍.(美国国库券(10年期)回报18.24倍.美国住房中价上涨了11.8倍)。


Index自动优化投资组合.衰败的公司不断地被剔除,升起的新星源源加入. 世界最权威的投资顾问免费为你提供管理服务. (注: 最初组成道琼斯指数的30家公司中,现在只剩下了通用电气一家)。

Index不怕崩盘. 无论股市如何狂泻,Index永不摘牌,最终迟早反弹回升。待等整体经济度过衰退周期,新一轮繁荣股市Index再创历史新高。

事实和数据如此简单明了,无数老将新手对其视而不见,却孜孜不倦地刻苦钻研效果无定的技术图表.把无穷无尽的资金人力投入股市不平等博弈, 屡战屡败,屡败屡战. 这一可悲可叹的社会现象不知是否也揭示了散户群体的某些行为本能和人性的弱点呢?

经济循环周期一般为10-16年. 坚持长期持有,尽量避免调整性操作,只买进不卖出。

此外, 股市崩盘,横尸遍野. 冒天下之大不“为”,顶风买进,也不是人人都做得到的。


2009 Mini John Cooper Works

Google Search
Mini John Cooper Works, Official site

Mini John Cooper Works, Photo Gallery

which car is the hottest 2009

I think it's hottest. but it's too girlish.

I was told before, any man which drives this car just looks like a gay.


2009 Mini John Cooper Works
2009 Mini John Cooper Works
Base Price $29,200-$31,450
Vehicle layout Front engine, FWD 4-pass, 2 or 3-door hatchback
Engine 1.6L/208-hp/192-lb-ft turbocharged DOHC 16-valve 4-cyl
Transmission 6-speed manual
Curb weight (dist f/r) 2700-2900 lb (mfr est)
Wheelbase 97.1-100.3 in
Length x width x height 146.2-155.8 x 66.3 x 55.4-56.4 in
0-60 mph 6.2-6.5 sec (mfr est)
EPA city/hwy fuel econ 25/33 mpg (mfr est)
CO2 emissions 0.69 lb/mile (mfr est)
On sale in U.S. Currently


Google search :
减少对石油和天然气的依赖, 那些行业将受益



'health insurance',investment,stock, in usa , which is the best

美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)周四向国会提交了一份3.6万亿美元的2010财政年度预算案,称预算案意在和混乱的过去决裂。预算案包括扩大政府活动,向富裕家庭和企业增税,削减那些从他所称的“一个极度不负责任时期”受益的部门支出。







不是人人能做到 30岁前成功的12条黄金法则

google search
how to be rich?
how the riches live
why do I want to be rich

--转载文章 , 作者不详。












  1、 人怕入错行:你的核心竞争力是什么?

  2、 成功者找方法,失败者找借口。


  3、 从三百六十行中选择你的最爱。人人都可以创业,但却不是人人都能创业成功。

  4、 寻找自己的黄金宝地。


  1、 不满现状的人才能成为富翁。

  2、 敢于梦想,勇于梦想,这个世界永远属于追梦的人。

  3、 30岁以前不要怕,30岁以后不要悔。

  4、 出身贫民,并非一辈子是贫民,只要你永远保持那颗进取的心。中国成功人士大多来自小地方。

  5、 做一个积极的思维者。

  6、 不要败给悲观的自己。有的人比你富有一千倍,他们也会比你聪明一千倍么?不会,他们只是年轻时心气比你高一千倍。人生的好多次失败,最后并不是败给别人,而是败给了悲观的自己。

  7、 成功者不过是爬起来比倒下去多一次。

  8、 宁可去碰壁,也不要在家里面壁。克服你的失败、消极的心态。

  (1) 找个地方喝点酒。

  (2) 找个迪厅跳跳舞。

  (3) 找帮朋友侃侃山。

  (4) 积极行动起来。





  (1) 创业不怕本小,脑子一定要好。

  (2) 可以开家特色店。

  (3) 做别人不愿做的生意。




  (1) 做人要讲义气。


  (2) 永不气馁。

























  (1) 知道自己的长处、短处,定向聚焦。

  (2) 尽量在自己的熟悉的领域努力。





  a) 每天淘汰你自己。

  b) 在商言商。













  (1) 办公室里尽可能的高效工作。

  (2) 生活可以不拘小节,但要把工作做细。

  (3) 学习聆听,不打断别人说话。
















  十一: 11个需要避开的成功陷阱




















Thursday, February 26, 2009

贴几个暴强的回帖 (转载) 有几个笑死人 JOKE

发信人: echocc (echo), 信区: Seattle
标 题: 贴几个暴强的回帖
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 26 17:35:51 2009)


1. 变态楼主:养条狗和养一个男人哪个合算?

2. 变态楼主:男人你要李宇春还是章子怡?

3. 变态楼主:通过海南矿泉水喝死人事件,可以看到中国的食品安全堪忧,矿泉水也
能喝死人?不是有 QS 标志吗?
暴强回复:弱弱的问一下, QS 是不是去死的意思?

4. 变态楼主:一学生,成绩年年倒数第一,常与人打架,按领导要求老师想给学生好

5. 说说中国的 30 分钟新闻联播。

6. 变态楼主:都 40 多了还有许多事不明白该问谁?

7. 变态楼主:奥运口号“同一个世界,同一个梦想!”

8. 天涯楼主:从来都觉得蝎子精是整部《西游记》里最美的女人,当蝎子精把唐僧逼
天涯回复 12 :唉,要是换好色的八戒出现就好了!
天涯回复 13 :嗯,八戒出现了,这次改蝎子精不从了……

9. 天涯楼主:怀疑老婆红杏出墙,但苦于没证据……

10. 天涯楼主:我们的 GJ 到底是法制还是人治?

11. 论坛楼主:该死的理发店把我头剪坏了!大家出点损招,要求破坏性越大越好,动

12. 论坛楼主:为什么生下的孩子要跟父亲一个姓?

13. 王小丫跟陈章良结婚,请用四个字评论。

14. 论坛楼主:听到一特好听的歌,歌词只记得是“一个芝麻糕,不如一针细”,求歌
论坛回复:你可知 Macau ,不是我真姓……- _ -

15. 天涯楼主:请用一句话形容中国国家地震台。

16. 楼主:我已经一年滴食未进了,还是活的好好的! MOP 的网友,你们落后了,难
道你们不觉得每天还要吃三餐很麻烦吗,我现在每天只需晒这么 10 几分钟太阳就几
回复:植物都会打字 . 汗 !!!

17. 天涯楼主:请问北京是如何体现本次奥运会为绿色人文奥运的?

18. 中日韩三国难道非要采取敌视行为对待彼此,就不能心平气和地坐下来谈问题

19.LZ :你看我的头像牛 B 么?

20. 楼主:想问问各位姐妹, BF 和前女友一起买的东西,比如对戒,项链,手环一

Kids and Taxes

Whether you added a new baby to your family last year or sent a child to college, children and taxes go hand-and-hand. Make sure you take advantage of all the child-related tax breaks when you file your 2008 return.

You can claim a personal exemption, worth $3,500 in 2008, for each dependent child younger than 19, or full-time college student younger than 24. Depending on your income, you may also claim a child tax credit of up to $1,000 for each dependent younger than 17. The child credit, which reduces your tax bill dollar-for-dollar, is reduced by $50 for each $1,000 (or fraction thereof) by which your modified adjusted gross income exceeds $75,000 for individuals or $110,000 for married couples filing jointly.

If you pay someone to watch your child while you and your spouse work -- or if you are a working single parent -- you may be able to write off some of your childcare expenses. Depending on your income level, you can take a tax credit for a portion of your childcare expenses or use a flexible spending account plan at work that allows you to pay your childcare costs with pre-tax dollars. The tax breaks apply to expenses for children up to age 13 as well as older children who are physically or mentally disabled.

The child care tax credit runs from 20% to 35% of what you spend, depending on your income. Taxpayers with adjusted gross income of $15,000 or less get the top credit and the rate gradually declines until it hits 20% for taxpayer with AGI of $43,000 or more. The maximum credit is $3,000 for one child and $6,000 for two or more children.

The flex plan is often a better deal for higher earners because money run through a flex plan avoids the federal income tax, state income taxes and the Social Security tax. If you’re in the 25% federal tax bracket, 5% state bracket and also avoid the 7.65% Social Security tax, running $1,000 through the flex plan would save you 37.65% or $3,765.

If the flex plan is better for you, note this twist: No more than $5,000 can be funneled through a flex plan, but up to $6,000 can qualify for the credit if you’re paying for the care of two or more children. So, even if you max out on the flex plan, you may qualify to claim the credit against up to $1,000 of additional expenses.

The days of giving appreciated assets or income-producing property to young children and teens as a way to trim the family's tax bill are over. In 2008, a youngster's investment income of more than $1,800 is taxed at the parents’ higher rate. The first $900 of a child's unearned income is tax-free and the next $900 is taxed at his or her own rate.

The kiddie tax now applies to children under age 19 and full-time students under 24. Previously, it disappeared when a child turned 18. (Children who provide more than half of their own support are not affected by the kiddie tax change.)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Another Kate, she is pretty too

Kate Garry Hudson (born April 19, 1979) is an American film actress. She came to prominence in 2001 after receiving an Oscar nomination and a Golden Globe for her role in the drama Almost Famous, and has since established herself as a Hollywood lead actress, starring in several films, including
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days,
The Skeleton Key,
You, Me and Dupree,
Fool's Gold,

and she is working on "Nine", By Stephanie

google search

Kate Garry Hudson, photos -- recommended, if you like to check photos --

Kate Garry Hudson, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

Kate Garry Hudson, nine

trial, movie, nine

please check the original photos at here, very good site

new Safari 4

Check out the new Safari 4 (PC + Mac) ...
it has lots of cool new features (over 150).

google search
Safari 4 new features

Safari 4, download

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bernanke: Recovery will take years(a reverse sign)

Federal Reserve chief says full recovery from this recession will take more than two or three years; downplays talk of bank nationalization.

NEW YORK ( -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said he's hoping the recession could end later this year, but he cautioned that a full economic recovery will take "more than two or three years."

we think this is a reverse sign !
谁都知道要take years。 确偏偏这时间叫,早它干哈去了

起码涨3天 , 冲冲冲

Load LDK today.

use small pot of my magin account to test water. (but it's not time to using margin, and we don't recommond using margin if you have this kind of high volatile stocks in you portfolio) and watch very careful with it.

if you can not read real chart or can not make a quick decision, please don't follow.

it's not the lowest now, I guess it will stay low for several days before the company announces its 4Q 08 and FY 2008 results on 11 March 2009

go google search (this is my homework these days) --


solar, future, trend

solar,2009, future, trend

Monday, February 23, 2009


南加州体坛一大盛事「2009泛太平洋杯(英式)足球赛」(Pan-Pacific Championship, PPC)四强争霸,将于18日在洛杉矶卡森市家庭站中心(Home Depot Center)足球场正式开战。


除了中国和韩国的职业劲旅外,参加本届太平洋杯足球赛的还有地主的洛杉矶银河队及日本职业足球联盟冠军大分三神队(Oita Trinita),使得这项球赛在南加州足坛已造成轰动。

Suwon三星蓝翼队夺得冠军. 前中国国脚队长李伟峰功不可没.
山东鲁能泰山队 成功宝住第四名.

LA 银河队点球惜败韩国队,名列第2.

google search '国脚,队长,李伟峰'

google search '国脚,队长,李伟峰,照片'

The New first lady of Hollywood

Kate Winslet wins Best Actress Oscar for The Reader!
After 5 previous Oscar loses, Kate Winslet wins her first Academy Award.
Congratulations Kate!

google search 'Kate Winslet,泰坦尼克,'

google search 'Kate Winslet,titanic,'

google search 'Kate Winslet, oscar'

google search 'Kate Winslet,sexy,picture, photos'

google search 'Oscar Winner List, 81st'

check the original and more pictures @ here and here and here(the sexy one)

2008-2009 house buyers (新买屋者)

The IRS has now issued an updated Form 5405 which rules on a number of questions raised around the 2009 ($8000) and 2008 ($7500) home buyer tax credits. Here are some of the key rulings and facts based on the 200+ questions I received on this credit:

- The Credit can be claimed in this year's tax return by filing an amendment using Form 5405.

- Unfortunately you still have to pay back the existing $7,500 credit (for homes bought between April 8, 2008, and before December 31, 2008). Unlike the $8,000 credit passed recently, the existing credit was not made retroactive. You generally must repay the credit over a 15-year period in 15 equal installments, starting in 2010

- To be eligible for the home buyer credit, your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) must be less than $95,000 or $170,000 (if married filing jointly) for the relevant tax year. The phase-out of the credit begins when your MAGI exceeds $75,000 or $150,000 (married filing jointly), meaning the amount of credit recieved decreases after these limits.

- You cannot claim the credit if acquired your home by gift or inheritance OR if you acquired your home from a related person (I stand corrected on a comment I made on this)

- If you and your spouse claim the credit on a joint return, each spouse is treated as having been allowed half of the credit for purposes of repaying the credit.

- If two or more unmarried individuals buy a main home, they can allocate the credit among the individual owners using any reasonable method. The total amount allocated cannot exceed the smaller of $7,500 ($8,000 if you purchased your home in 2009) or 10% of the purchase price. Note: A reasonable method is any method that does not allocate all or a part of the credit to a co-owner who is not eligible to claim that part of the credit (I would go with 50/50 as a reasonable method if one person is not eligible for the credit)

- The purchase date is how you decided which credit you are eligible for. If you constructed your main home, you are treated as having purchased it on the date you first occupied it.

2009 退税 -- $800 Tax Rebate/Credit

The President has now signed the massive $787 billion economic stimulus package into law. Unfortunately the tax credits (detailed below) that were part of the "Making work Pay" program were cut in the final bill by about $2 Billion. The income tax credit has dropped by $100 and $200 respectively, so that it would now total $400 for individuals and $800 for couples (paid in 2009 and 2010), phasing out completely at $190,000 for couples filing jointly and $95,000 for single filers. Because the credit is refundable (people can get it even if they owe no tax), most low-income workers will also qualify for the full credit.

新车买家 Car Buyer Sales Tax Breaks in Obama Economic Stimulus Package

In addition to the working tax rebates and home owner tax credits, the President has approved a scaled back version of the Auto Assistance Ownership amendment in the final economic stimulus package. This ammendment provides tax breaks for new car buyers by giving them a federal-income-tax deduction on local sales and excise taxes, but not on the interest on loans, as was originally proposed. It is applicable to any new car purchased after the stimulus bill is signed into law (the original Senate proposal of Nov. 12 was dropped) to December 31 2009. It is expected that the final version of the bill will will be signed next week.

Your share of stimulus tax breaks

NEW YORK ( -- Roughly 97% of American households could see tax savings as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, according to a new analysis by a nonpartisan research group.

The Tax Policy Center crunched the numbers and concluded that the average savings would be $1,179. But how much a household actually gets depends on income, marital status and whether a filer has children. The savings range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand.

The law, which President Obama signed on Tuesday, contains a range of tax breaks for individuals. Those likely to affect the greatest number of households are the new Making Work Pay credit worth up to $400 ($800 for joint filers); a patch to protect middle- and upper-middle-income families from having to pay the Alternative Minimum Tax; and expansions of the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit for low-income families.

There are also breaks that address specific situations: a new credit for first-time home buyers, a sales tax deduction for car buyers and a new credit to help pay for college tuition. For people receiving unemployment benefits, the first $2,400 will be tax free.

On Saturday, Obama said the government had already taken action on the broadest of the law's cuts -- the Making Work Pay.

The Treasury Department has told employers to reduce the amount of taxes withheld from paychecks by April 1. Treasury estimates that a typical family will begin taking home about $65 more per month, according to Obama.

"Never before in our history has a tax cut taken effect faster or gone to so many hardworking Americans," Obama said in his weekly video and radio address.

In addition, the economic recovery plan contains a host of tax breaks for small businesses.

The Tax Policy Center used a representative sampling of all tax filers and non-filers, including information on their income, their spending and their demographics. And then they applied the various tax provisions for which those in the sample pool qualify.
Some tax-saving scenarios

A single person with no children making between $20,000 and $30,000 would see a 12.5% reduction in his or her tax liability for an annual savings of $453. The same person making between $50,000 and $75,000 would see a 4.6% drop, or $626.

At the upper income ranges, someone with income between $100,000 and $200,000 would see a 2.1% drop, which translates into $706.

With or without kids, a married couple filing jointly making between $50,000 and $75,000 could see a 10.5% drop for a savings of $991. Those making between $75,000 and $100,000 would see their tax liability go down 9.1%, or $1,457.

Couples with very high incomes -- between $200,000 to $500,000 -- could see a 7.5% decline in their tax bill, or $5,645.

Households with children, regardless of the parent's marital status, would see savings on their tax bill averaging 9.7% of their tax liability, or $1,975.
When you'll see savings

The first tax credit filers will enjoy is the Making Work Pay credit, which will show up in increments in people's paychecks starting in April.

In some instances, such as with the first time home buyer's tax credit, the money can be claimed on one's 2008 tax return if the home purchase occurs between Jan. 1 and before Nov. 30 of this year.

But in many cases, a household won't see some of their stimulus savings until they file their 2009 returns, which they can't do until 2010.

Of course what filers' save on their federal taxes under stimulus may be muted by the fact that their cities and states -- facing steep budget shortfalls that will be lessened but not eliminated by stimulus funding -- may end up raising taxes and fees.

How households may fare under the economic recovery plan.
Income Avg. tax savings Drop in tax bite
Under $19K $476 -95%
$19K-$38K $652 -22%
$38K-$66K $781 -9%
$66K-$112K $1,301 -7.5%
$112K-$161K $2,549 -8.3%
$161K-$227K $3,883 -8.3%
$227K-$603K $5,133 -5.7%
$2.8M plus $39,350 -1.4%

今天后盘表现很差, 要控制一下自己了

但是现在尾部的量越来越少, 这是我们为什么今天操底的主要原因
这是可进退自如。 想后就猴的, 就hold. 想cut, 就卡特。 损失不大。
以投资的眼光, 现在买入有些投机。


发信人: afang2009 (miggie miggie o i ni), 信区: Stock
标 题: 今天后盘表现很差
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Feb 23 16:43:35 2009)


等2-4日以上。 今天末市图形很差。都知离底不远了, 但是都不知是那一天。





发信人: afang2009 (miggie miggie o i ni), 信区: Stock
标 题: 熊弟们, 撤了。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Feb 23 14:04:37 2009)


开始放长仓了。 上余下的 1/4 现金帐户。 马金等两天
大势所趋 --每日焦点

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Conan O'Brien 奥布赖恩将离开纽约,离开NBC的“晚夜”

我最喜欢的播音员 Conan O'Brien 将离开纽约,离开NBC的“晚夜”("Late Night")。


google search 'conan o'brien last show'

google search 'conan o'brien Tonight show'

google search 'conan o'brien last show'

Friday, February 20, 2009

How Will I Get My Stimulus Money?

Since Congress passed the economic-stimulus bill February 13, a lot of people have asked us how they will get their money. Some of the details will be worked out in the coming weeks, but here's what we know so far.

How much will the "Making Work Pay" tax credit be?

The stimulus provides a refundable tax credit of 6.2% of taxable wages in 2009 and 2010, to a maximum each year of $400 for single taxpayers and $800 for married couples filing jointly. The credit begins to phase out for single filers with adjusted gross incomes of $75,000 or higher, or $150,000 for married couples filing jointly, and it disappears entirely for single filers with AGIs of $95,000 or more, or $190,000 for joint filers.

How will I receive the credit?

You'll get the money through a reduction in income tax withheld from your paycheck, adding about $30 to $40 a month to most people's take-home pay. After the IRS adjusts its withholding tables, employers will change their automatic withholding systems; you shouldn't have do anything to get the extra money. The IRS says that most people should see the change in their paychecks this spring.

I am self-employed and don't have my taxes withheld. What should I do?

In that case, you could reduce your quarterly estimated taxes because of this credit, says Mark Luscombe, principal analyst with the tax and accounting group CCH. Then you will claim the credit when you file next spring, bringing your tax bill down into line with your reduced payments.

What about people who have a job now and have their withholding reduced, but then lose their job in the next few months?

"They will have reduced withholding for the period they work, then the amounts will be reconciled when they file their returns for the year," says Scott Weiner, senior tax analyst with the tax and accounting business unit of Thomson Reuters.

What will the stimulus payment be for retirees?

The stimulus provides a one-time payment of $250 to recipients of Social Security, Railroad Retirement and Veteran's Administration benefits, and to government employees who don't receive Social Security. They'll receive the money even if they have little or no income, says Luscombe. This payment will reduce the "Making Work Pay" credit if they are eligible for both.

How will retirees get their money?

People who get their Social Security or other benefits electronically will get this payment electronically as well, says Weiner. Others will get a check.

When will retirees receive the money?

"The statute says that payments must begin at the earliest practicable date, but no later than 120 days after the date of enactment," says Weiner. So retirees should get the payments before June 17 because President Obama signed the bill on February 17.

住房抵押贷款帮助Mortgage help:你有资格吗?(2)


由法国克里斯蒂, CNNMoney.com人员作家
最后更新: 2009年2月19号:上午11时57


这部分计划s是针对借款人保持目前保持着他们的抵押贷款。 因为下降的房价,许多业主一直无法通过再融资来降低其住房成本.

现在,如果您的按揭已经超过了房屋的市场价值,忘记了再融资资格吧。实际上,您必须拥有至少有您家的20 %的股份,除非您使用的是联邦住房管理局贷款 。

新的指导方针可能会有所帮助。即使房主家庭债务超过了5 %的价值可能仍然有资格。 而且不会有预付处罚。 但是,您的贷款必须是国有或由Fannie Mae以及Freddie Mac 。


谁回不符合资格呢? 。房主的物业价值,已严重下滑,而且已在水下的5 %以上就倒霉了。

那些“巨无霸”房贷("jumbo" mortgages)也是不符合资格的。 只有那些“符合'的抵押贷款。要确认您的贷款是否符合,您需要在3月4日在后与您的服务或贷款业主咨询了。但总的来说,直至过去的一年中,贷款四十一点七万美元以上的被视为“巨无霸”房贷("jumbo" mortgages),并且Fannie Mae和Freddie Mac不准购买并保证他们。





Borrowers with high levels of other debt, such as car loans and credit card debt exceeding 55% of their incomes, may still qualify for a modification but they'll be required to accept debt counseling in a .借款人如果拥有高利率的其他债务,如汽车贷款和信用卡债务超过55 %的收入,仍可能有资格获得修改,但他们将需要接受HUD-certified program债务辅导。

如果您符合资格,您的服务或放款人将减少您的每月按揭还款的31 %的总收入。


借款人也将获得高达1000美元的奖励奖金, 如果其可以在五年内按时交供。



投机者,谁是以投资目的购买了这些房屋的,没有资格获得帮助! 所有家庭必须被拥有者所居住。

该计划将不会帮助那些不负责任的借贷置业者。 所有申请者将仔细审查贷款和谁担任不择手段,例如,歪曲他们的收入在没有贷款申请文件,将没有资格。

同时,为保护纳税人的利益,没有贷款将被修改,除非它的净结果相比可节省的foreclosing费用。 最后,利率不会低于2 % 。


[计划]不会奖励谁买人的家园,他们从一开始就知道他们将永远无法负担, 奥巴马说, 总之,这一计划将不会拯救每一个家庭。


住房抵押贷款帮助 Mortgage help:你有资格吗?(1)


纽约( ) -当地时间周三总统奥巴马透露了人们热切期待赎预防计划, 目标是九百点○○○万借款帮助





Best Picture: Slumdog Millionaire(oscar 2009)

google search 'oscar, 81st, photos'

google search 'movie,Slumdog Millionaire'

google search 'oscar, Slumdog Millionaire'

The story of Jamal Malik, an 18 year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai, who is about to experience the biggest day of his life. With the whole nation watching, he is just one question away from winning a staggering 20 million rupees on India's "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" But when the show breaks for the night, police arrest him on suspicion of cheating; how could a street kid know so much? Desperate to prove his innocence, Jamal tells the story of his life in the slum where he and his brother grew up, of their adventures together on the road, of vicious encounters with local gangs, and of Latika, the girl he loved and lost. Each chapter of his story reveals the key to the answer to one of the game show's questions. Each chapter of Jamal's increasingly layered story reveals where he learned the answers to the show's seemingly impossible quizzes. But one question remains a mystery: what is this young man with no apparent desire for riches really doing on the game show? When the new day dawns and Jamal returns to answer the final question, the Inspector and sixty million viewers are about to find out. At the heart of its storytelling lies the question of how anyone comes to know the things they know about life and love. Written by Fox Searchlight Pictures

go check origial post and image at here

PLCN 逆势上涨, 手中股票抛光

计划昨天进一些的, 但是看盘末不稳没有操作。

晚上看到PLCN 逆势上涨, 就猜测熊市可还要维持一段时间. 因为PLCN 逆势上涨是熊熊的冲锋号。 不过不知这次是不是熊熊的死亡陷阱, 谁也不敢说。 各种指标都已接近超卖翻转的阶段。 从历史看往往现在就是要死人的时候了。

今天没忍住还是jumped in. 我也知道没有最低, 只有更低

不是说了吗,还是没忍住! 心里希望市场再跌一下, 可以捞更低. 不过它好像有时候并不会如我所愿, 所以就将就了

发信人: afang2009 (miggie miggie o i ni), 信区: Stock
标 题: 进了, 不知是否是时机
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Feb 20 12:24:40 2009)

all in 401K today, TMD, 还是没忍住!


这是我昨天发的帖子 --

回答: PCLN:瞎扯今天大涨的噢秘就在图中 由 kx 于 2009-02-19 17:23:50

PLCN 逆势上涨, 手中股票抛光。

这是我的总结。 应验很多次了

大势所趋 --每日焦点

回答: 回复:回复:PCLN:瞎扯今天大涨的噢秘就在图中 由 fasfaz 于 2009-02-19 18:44:32

Thursday, February 19, 2009





7 Moves That Will Make You a Better Dad

Tips for raising happy, well-adjusted kids.

1. Dig deeper
A nice house, cool clothes, and grub on the table just aren't enough. Providing for our kids is in our DNA, but how well do you know yours? Do you know who your kids play with at recess? What subject they really struggle with? What they love to eat for hot lunch? If you don't know these things, you need to. While all of us are busy as hell with work and everything else in our lives, we need to make time for our kids and get to really know them -- especially the odd, everyday things that make them tick. I make it a point to talk with my kids about what happened at recess before asking about what happened in class. I want to know about the relationships they're forging, and also what they're up to with their only free time of the day. It's not easy to get this from them. But here's a fun way to spend a little time with them that they'll think is awesome: When your son or daughter is standing at the bus stop ready to be picked up for school, drive up, stop, and tell them to get in. Kidnap them for breakfast and they'll think it's the coolest thing ever. When kids are really impressed or excited by something (like this) there's a much better chance of them opening up and telling you about their lives. Don't preach, don't gasp, just listen.

2. Teach your kids to stand tall
One of the most important things a father needs to teach his kids is how to stand up for themselves. You will not get far in this world if you become a doormat, and the longer you let it happen, the harder it is to turn it around. This can be anything from just learning how to speak up in class, or confronting someone who's being unfair to them. Our offspring need to be heard, defend what they believe in, and not be bullied. Yes, we want them to be nice and to treat people well, but there is also a time to be assertive instead of like a punching bag. Teaching them how to do all this in a scary world is one of the basic duties of being a father.

3. Get off your rear
While we may be proud of our lecturing skills, most of the time when we talk all our kids hear is, "Blah, blah, blah." So that makes our actions even more important. You can tell the kids that it's important to be healthy and active, but if all they ever see you do is sit on the couch shoveling Doritos into your mouth as you watch "Celebrity Rehab," they're going to do the exact same thing. Kids should always be learning, exploring and trying new things. It's all part of how they find out what they're passionate about and who they are.
Dads can help fuel this exploration by doing the same thing; getting involved in new sports, musical instruments, and activities. This keeps dads fresh and active, and also shows kids that it's cool to try new things. Want to crank up the enthusiasm? Get junior's buddy and his dad in the game too -- kids will do almost anything if their friends are involved. If you want to start golfing, make it a foursome and it'll be even more fun.

4. Prepare for your death
This should be something that I shouldn't even have to write, but it's amazing how many men skip this to save a buck. We can all sit here and think that it's not going to happen to us, but death happens to dads every day. Protecting your family should be number-one on your responsibilities list as a father. If you're not taking care of your family you run the risk of ruining their lives if the worst should happen. This encompasses a lot, including having a life insurance policy and a will, and knowing who's going to be there to teach your son about being a man. Another aspect of this is keeping yourself healthy with regular physicals and, for God's sake, exercise. I used to work out to look better, but now it's all about longevity. My ultimate goal is to live long enough to make sure my daughter doesn't marry some jackass. They don't say "hope for the best and prepare for the worst" for nothing.

5. No worshipping heroes
There are parents out there who absolutely worship their kids and think they can do no wrong. But those kids will grow up with a distorted view of how the world works. Every parent should love the hell out of their children, but thinking that they are flawless is setting all of you up for disaster. The kids end up with unreal expectations on how the world works, don't understand defeat, and can't figure out why everyone doesn't think they walk on water. And the parents end up devastated when you finally come to the realization that little Tony actually is capable of throwing his classmate into the girls' bathroom or stealing the neighbor's mail. We all have flaws, and there's nothing wrong with that. Let them learn to deal with the disappointment of losing, and even the brilliance of constructive criticism. It'll prepare them for the real world.

6. Remember why you married her
I've said this before, but a lot of people still scratch their head when I do. One of the best (if not the best) things you can do for your kids is to be a good husband to their mother. This can be difficult to do, but it just might be the most important item on the list. We pay so much attention to not screwing up our kids that we sometimes neglect the one relationship that plays the biggest role in the person they turn out to be. And if you're divorced, remember that the way you treat their mother will have an enormous impact. It will help them respect her, and also show them how to deal with challenging relationships as they get older.

7. Imitate Clark W. Griswold
Clark was on to something when he loaded up the family truckster and headed west to Wally World. A couple times a year, we all need to bust out of that rut that our daily routine puts us in -- and getting out of Dodge is the only cure. It's not just us either; every member of the family needs to get away and put a little adventure back in their life. As painful as the family vacation can be while it's happening (with the constant potty breaks, spilled juice boxes, and annoying comments from the backseat), I run into more adults who claim that vacations were the parts about their childhood that they'll never forget. It doesn't have to be expensive -- you don't have to go far -- you just need to have a family experience to remember, for better or worse.

2009 纽约时装周 -- Fall 2009 collection -- DKNY

很喜欢这件款式, 很象我很久以前买给我恋人的一件. 同样的颜色同样的暗花

只是model的身材和长相比我当时的恋人差太远了! 哎, 回忆总是那样美好甜蜜

google search 'New York Fashion Week'

check original image at this link









  幼小的宝宝入睡后不久,出汗较多(在上半夜),到下半夜汗很少,这是正常情况,由于植物神经系统的功能还不完善。佝偻病、结核病,病后虚弱时也有多汗现象。其实很多宝宝晚上出汗大部分原因可能是父母怕他睡觉着凉, 被子盖得太多或房间内过于密不透风,产生闷热所致,并非病症,只要少盖些衣物就可以了。汗液中除了含盐分(主要是氯化钠,所以汗液有咸味)外,还会有锌,经常出汗多的宝宝也会造成体内锌缺乏。




一、 母乳喂养儿粪便:未加辅食的母乳喂养婴儿,粪便呈黄色或金黄色,稠度均匀如药膏状,或有种样的颗粒,偶尔稀薄而微呈绿色,呈酸性反应,有酸味但不臭。每天排便2-4次,如果平时每天仅有1-2次大便,突然增至5-6次大便,则应考虑是否患病。如果平时大便次数较多,但小儿一般情况良好,体重不减轻而照常增加,不能认为有病。婴儿在加辅食后大便次数可以减少。1周岁以上的小儿大便次数右减至一天一次。

二、 人工喂养大便:以牛乳喂养的婴儿,大便色淡黄或呈土灰色,质较硬,呈中性或碱性反应。由于牛奶中的蛋白质多,有明显的蛋白分解后的臭味。大便每天1-2次,如果增加奶中的糖量,则排便次数增加,便质柔软。

三、 混合喂养儿粪便:无论人乳或牛乳喂养,若同时加食淀粉类食物,则大便量增多,硬度比单纯牛奶喂养稍减,呈暗褐色,臭味增加。若将蔬菜、水果等辅食加多,则大便与成人近似。初加菜泥时,大便中常排出小量的绿色菜泥,有的父母往往以为是消化不良,停止添加菜泥。实际上这种现象是健康婴儿更换食物时常有的事。如果没有腹泻,不必停止加辅食,数日以后胃肠习惯了,这种情况随之消失。




LDK, 还会有几天跌势

今天幅度这么大, 肯定还会有几天的跌势。 破位下跌,不要接飞刀。


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"Worst Is Yet to Come:" Americans' Standard of Living Permanently Changed

There's no question the American consumer is hurting in the face of a burst housing bubble, financial market meltdown and rising unemployment.

But "the worst is yet to come," according to Howard Davidowitz, chairman of Davidowitz & Associates, who believes American's standard of living is undergoing a "permanent change" - and not for the better as a result of:

* An $8 trillion negative wealth effect from declining home values.
* A $10 trillion negative wealth effect from weakened capital markets.
* A $14 trillion consumer debt load amid "exploding unemployment", leading to "exploding bankruptcies."

"The average American used to be able to borrow to buy a home, send their kids to a good school [and] buy a car," Davidowitz says. "A lot of that is gone."

Going forward, the veteran retail industry consultant foresees higher savings rate and people trading down in both the goods and services they buy - as well as their aspirations.

The end of rampant consumerism is ultimately a good thing, he says, but the unraveling of an economy built on debt-fueled spending will be painful for years to come.

中国与俄罗斯 -- “贷款换石油”

[提要] 中国与俄罗斯终于就“贷款换石油”的合同细节达成了一致。据悉,双方已在2月17日签署正式协议。根据协议,中国将向俄罗斯提供250亿美元的长期贷款,采取固定利率,约为6%左右;俄罗斯以石油为抵押,以供油偿还贷款,从2011年至2030年按照每年1500万吨的规模向中国通过管道供应总计3亿吨石油

  根据双方签署的协议,中国将向俄罗斯提供总计250亿美元的长期贷款,采取固定利率,约为6%左右;俄罗斯则以石油为抵押,以供油偿还贷款,从 2011年至2030年按照每年1500万吨的规模向中国通过管道供应总计3亿吨石油,石油价格以俄石油运到纳霍特卡港口的价格为基准,随行就市。



  中俄“贷款换石油”合同谈判是在2008年10月28日双方在莫斯科签署的《石油领域合作谅解备忘录》的基础上展开的。根据当时的框架性协议,中国将分别向俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft)和俄罗斯石油运输公司(Transneft)提供150亿美元和100亿美元的贷款;作为交换,俄罗斯则在 20年的期限中,向中国出口3亿吨原油,并放行俄罗斯通往我国的石油运输管道。


发信人: afang2009 (miggie miggie o i ni), 信区: Stock
标 题: 更改我对石油的推荐
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 18 02:03:08 2009)


我有点糊涂了。 今天晚了, 明天再想


上个月新房建造下跌近17 % ,达到了历史最低点。

根据周三公布的政府报告, 美国1月新房建造达到了历史最低水平,。
根据商务部统计,1月份下降经季节性调整后按年率计算为四十六万六千。 这是从1959年政府开始记录以来的最低水平。

这项统计数据比12月的修正后的54.7万下降了16.8 %, 比2008年1月低了56.2 %。 此前经济学家们预计新屋开工将下降到529000( 。

一月是新屋开工数连续下滑的第4个月, 并且创下了一个新的历史低点。 新屋开工数自其2006年1月的峰值230万下降近80 %。

新建筑独栋房屋(single-family)达到了有史以来最低的34.700万,或低于去年12月12.2 %。 单户型住宅是专家们确认的一个住房市场核心数据。

但是这种下降实际上可以帮助陷入困境的市场反弹。 房屋的建造者继续不停的建造新房屋, 即便在住房泡沫破裂以后。 这就导致了待售房屋市场上巨大的供过于求的情况出现。 增加的赎回房同样加剧了这种情况。



原始文章来自By David Goldman, staff writer。
为了方便中文阅读, Armstrong进行了一些修改删节。
请阅读原文 ·原始英文

if you are interested with this topic, you definitly should go
google search with keyword 'United States housing market trends in 2009'

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Obama to lift ban on stem cell research soon

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama will soon issue an executive order lifting an eight-year ban embryonic stem cell research imposed by his predecessor, President George W. Bush, a senior adviser said on Sunday.

"We're going to be doing something on that soon, I think. The president is considering that right now," Obama adviser David Axelrod said on "Fox News Sunday."

In 2001, Bush limited federal funding for stem cell research only to human embryonic stem cell lines that already existed. It was a gesture to his conservative Christian supporters who regard embryonic stem cell research as destroying potential life, because the cells must be extracted from human embryos.

Embryonic stem cells are the most basic human cells which can develop into any type of cell in the body.

Scientists believe the research could eventually produce cures for a variety of diseases, including Parkinson's disease, diabetes, heart disease and spinal cord injuries.

Obama vowed to reverse Bush's ban during his presidential campaign and in his inaugural address last month promised to return science to its proper place in the United States.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration last month cleared the way for the first trial to see if human embryonic stem cells could treat people safely.

The trial will try to use stem cells from already existing lines to regrow nerve tissue in patients with crushed spinal cords.

Stem cells are the body's master cells, giving rise to all the tissues, organs and blood. Embryonic stem cells are considered the most powerful kinds of stem cells, as they have the potential to give rise to any type of tissue.

How the Stimulus Helps Laid-Off Workers

Several provisions in the stimulus bill aid recently unemployed workers.

Help with health-insurance bills. When you lose or leave your job, you can generally continue coverage through your employer's health-insurance plan for up to 18 months through a federal program called COBRA. You can't be rejected or charged more because of your health.

But the costs of COBRA coverage are very high. While employers usually pay about three-fourths of the premiums for their current employees, that subsidy disappears for laid-off workers -- leaving them with an average annual bill of $12,680 for family coverage, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

The stimulus provides a 65% subsidy to help cover the cost of COBRA for up to nine months. To qualify, a worker must be involuntarily terminated between September 1, 2008, and December 31, 2009. The subsidy ends if you find a job and your new employer offers health-care coverage or you become eligible for Medicare.

Workers who have lost their jobs since September 1, 2008, but didn't elect COBRA will be given 60 days to elect COBRA and receive the subsidy after being notified by their former employer that they are again eligible. To qualify, your income for the year must be less than $125,000 for individuals and $250,000 for families.

Keep in mind, however, that not all laid-off workers qualify for COBRA. The federal law requires only companies with 20 or more employees to offer COBRA benefits (some states have similar programs, or "mini COBRAs," for smaller companies), and COBRA is available only if an employer continues to offer health benefits to employees. If the employer discontinues its health-insurance plan entirely or goes out of business, there is no COBRA.

If COBRA coverage is not available, you may be able to get an individual health-insurance policy or, if you have health problems, you may be able to get coverage if your state has a high-risk pool or some type of continuation policy. See Keeping Coverage After a Job Loss for more information about your health-insurance options after a layoff.

Bigger and longer unemployment benefits. The stimulus bill also increases weekly unemployment benefits by $25 through 2009. The amount of your unemployment benefits continues to vary based on your previous income and your state, but everyone will receive an extra $25 per week. This increase is automatic -- people who are receiving benefits won’t need to take any special steps to boost their benefits. But it may take a few weeks for the state unemployment offices to reprogram their software programs and add the extra money, says Rich Hobbie, executive director of the National Association of State Workforce Agencies.

Plus, people collecting unemployment benefits get a tax break. Unemployment benefits are usually subject to federal income tax. But people receiving unemployment benefits in 2009 will be able to exclude the first $2,400. Any benefits you receive beyond that in 2009 will be subject to federal income tax.

The bill also extends the emergency unemployment-compensation program, which provides up to 33 weeks of extended unemployment benefits to workers who exhaust their regular benefits. Contact your state unemployment-benefits office for more information about receiving extended benefits (see the unemployment benefits map for links.

For more information about collecting unemployment benefits, see What You Need to Know About Unemployment Benefits.

New York Fashion Week -- Fall 2009 Collection -- Chris Benz

really like this design.

google search 'New York Fashion Week'

check original image at this link

Final score: $8,000 for homebuyers

First-time purchasers get a tax credit windfall if they buy before December.
NEW YORK ( -- There's a nice windfall for some homebuyers in the economic stimulus bill awaiting President Obama's signature on Tuesday. First-time buyers can claim a credit worth $8,000 - or 10% of the home's value, whichever is less - on their 2008 or 2009 taxes.

A big plus is that the credit is refundable, meaning tax filers see a refund of the full $8,000 even if their total tax bill - the amount of witholding they paid during the year plus anything extra they had to pony up when they filed their returns

more detail go check the original post





个人认为: 在前半年股市不会有大的作为,

1) 一些人会投资房市。这会抽出部分资金。 
2) 失业人口要有一个缓冲阶段,失业率才可能进入减少阶段。 刺激方案的主要目标是刺激和拯救就业。 所以失业率下降会有一个过程。



我们依然看牛, 因为下跌空间并不会很大。 现在的下跌是收集筹码的好机会(是否最佳我们不知道)。择股而入是我们现在的推荐策略。

短期放长可等,市场放量上涨后,稳步杀入。 放短着, 快进快出, 小心V型陷阱

我们仍然推荐: 粮股,化肥,和石油

Friday, February 13, 2009

When toddlers point a lot, more words will follow

Don't just talk to your toddler — gesture, too. Pointing, waving bye-bye and other natural gestures seem to boost a budding vocabulary. Scientists found those tots who could convey more meaning with gestures at age 14 months went on to have a richer vocabulary as they prepared to start kindergarten. And intriguingly, whether a family is poor or middle class plays a role, the researchers report Friday.

Anyone who's ever watched a tot perform the arms-raised "pick me up now" demand knows that youngsters figure out how to communicate well before they can talk. Gesturing also seems to be an important precursor to forming sentences, as children start combining one word plus a gesture for a second word.

University of Chicago researchers wondered if gesturing also played a role in a serious problem: Children from low-income families start school with smaller vocabularies than their better-off classmates. It's a gap that tends to persist as the students age. In fact, kindergarten vocabulary is a predicter of how well youngsters ultimately fare in school.

One big key to a child's vocabulary is how their parents talked to them from babyhood on. Previous research has shown that higher-income, better-educated parents tend to talk and read more to small children, and to use more varied vocabulary and complex syntax.

Do those parents also gesture more as they talk with and teach their children?

To see, university psychology researchers Susan Goldin-Meadow and Meredith Rowe visited the homes of 50 Chicago-area families of varying socioeconomic status who had 14-month-olds. They videotaped for 90 minutes to count both parents' and children's words and gestures. Quantity aside, they also counted whether children made gestures with specific meanings.

This is not baby sign-language; parents weren't formally training their tots. Instead, they used everyday gestures to point something out or illustrate a concept. A child points to a dog and mom says, "Yes, that's a dog." Or dad flaps his arms to mimic flying. Or pointing illustrates less concrete concepts like "up" or "down" or "big."

The researchers found an income gap with gesturing even in toddlerhood, when children speak few words.

Higher-income parents did gesture more and, more importantly, their children on average produced 25 meanings in gesture during that 90-minute session, compared with an average of 13 among poorer children, they reported in the journal Science.

Then the researchers returned to test vocabulary comprehension at age 4 1/2. The poorer children scored worse, by about 24 points. Researchers blamed mostly socioeconomic status and parents' speech, but said gesturing contributed, too.

It's not just that richer parents gesture more, stressed Peggy McCardle of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, which funded the work.

"It's that there's a greater variety of types of gesture that would signal different types of meaning," McCardle said. "It sure looks like the kids are learning that and it's given them kind of a leg-up."

The study doesn't prove gesturing leads to better word-learning, but it's a strong hint. Now scientists wonder if encouraging low-income parents to gesture more could translate to toddlers who do, too, and in turn improve school readiness.

"It wouldn't hurt to encourage parents to talk more and gesture more," Rowe said.


油,我们几个礼拜前提过, 该涨了。 因为夏天到了。 还有下降空间不大。比较稳了。

化肥, 粮食也该进了, 去年泰国遇灾,今年中国干旱。 夏天是食品类的天下

粮食可以晚一下。 在等暖暖底

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zt:Stimulus: How it may affect your wallet

Congress has finalized the $787 billion economic recovery plan. Here's a look at some of the provisions geared at financial relief for individuals.

NEW YORK ( -- Key lawmakers in the Senate and House have reached a compromise on a final economic recovery package.

The new stated topline price tag: $787 billion. That's below both the $820 billion House-passed version and the $838 billion Senate-passed version.

The compromises that the House, Senate and White House made have changed the scope of a number of provisions, including those affecting individuals directly. In some cases, they either reduced or expanded a benefit relative to what appeared in the Senate or House versions of the bill.

Here's a look at some of the provisions that will have a direct effect on individuals in their paychecks, on their tax returns, and with regard to their unemployment benefits and health insurance if they've lost a job.

The information below is based on materials put out by the key committees in the House and Senate as well as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

Making Work Pay Credit: The bill provides a $400 credit per worker and a $800 credit per dual-earner couple. The full credit would be paid to people making $75,000 or less ($150,000 per dual-earner couple). A partial credit would be paid to those making above those amounts but no more than $100,000 ($200,000 for couples).

The credit would also be refundable, which means that even very low-income families who don't make enough to owe income tax would be able to claim it.

For most working individuals, the credit will be paid over time at roughly $15 per period, assuming 26 pay periods in a year. Estimated cost: $116 billion.

One-time payments to those who don't work: For retirees, disabled individuals and others who don't work, the bill provides a one-time $250 payment. Estimated cost: $14.2 billion.

Break for higher income families: The bill includes a one-year provision to protect middle- and upper-middle-income families from having to pay the Alternative Minimum Tax. The AMT was intended primarily for high-income taxpayers but has in recent years threatened to engulf those lower down the income scale. Estimated cost: $70 billion.

Temporary deduction for car buyers:
The bill would let those who buy a new car, light vehicle, recreational vehicle or motorcycle in 2009 deduct state and local sales taxes as well as any excise tax charged in the purchase. The deduction would be available to those earning less than $125,000 ($250,000 for joint filers). It will be an above-the-line deduction, meaning even taxpayers who don't itemize may take it in addition to the standard deduction. Estimated cost: $1.7 billion.

Temporary credit for home buyers: The bill increases the size of an existing temporary and refundable first-time home buyer credit to $8,000, up from $7,500. It also removes the requirement under current law that the credit be paid back if the buyer stays in the home for at least three years. And it would extend the credit's expiration date to Dec. 1, 2009, from July 1. Those eligible for this credit must have purchased a home after Jan. 1, 2009, and before Dec. 1, 2009.

The full credit is available to those making $75,000 or less ($150,000 for joint filers). Estimated cost: $6.6 billion.

New temporary college credit: The bill introduces the American Opportunity Tax Credit, which would be in effect for 2009 and 2010. It expands the existing Hope Scholarship tax credit and would be worth as much as $2,500 for higher education expenses, up from $1,800 currently.

The full credit would be available to those making less than $80,000 ($160,000 for joint filers). Those making between those amounts and $90,000 ($180,000 for joint filers) would get a partial credit. And the break would also be partially refundable, meaning lower income families with little or no tax liability could now claim some of the credit. Estimated cost: $13.9 billion.

Temporary Pell Grant increase: The bill increases the maximum Pell Grant by $500 to $5,350 in 2009 and $5,550 in 2010. Estimated cost: $15.6 billion.

Temporary expansion of child tax credit:
The bill increases eligibility for the child tax credit by lowering the income threshold that must be met for the credit to be refundable. The threshold would be lowered to $3,000 for this year and next. That will allow lower income families to claim more of the credit than under current law. Estimated cost: $14.8 billion.

Temporary increase in earned income tax credit:
The credit will be temporarily increased to 45% from 40% of qualifying earnings for low-income families with three or more children. It also includes a marriage penalty relief provision for couples who qualify for at least a portion of the credit. Estimated cost: $4.6 billion.
Direct lifeline benefits

Health insurance help for the jobless: The bill includes provisions to help eligible jobless workers pay for health insurance under Cobra. Cobra coverage allows newly unemployed workers to keep health insurance provided by their former employers for a period of time.

For workers who have been laid off between Sept. 1, 2008, and Dec. 31, 2009, the government will subsidize 65% of their premiums under Cobra for up to 9 months.

Those people laid off between Sept. 1, 2008, and the day the stimulus law goes into effect, and who did not sign up for Cobra, will get an additional 60 days to do so and receive the subsidy.

The subsidy will be limited to those whose income for the year is $125,000 or less ($250,000 for couples filing jointly). Estimated cost: $24.7 billion.

Another provision provides states funding to help pay for expanded Medicaid rolls for workers who've lost their jobs and can't afford health care on their own or can't get Cobra coverage because their former employer doesn't offer a health care plan. Estimated cost: $87 billion.

Unemployment benefits: The bill provides jobless workers with an additional 20 weeks in unemployment benefits, and 13 weeks on top of that if they live in what's deemed a high unemployment state, of which there are now about 30. Estimated cost: $27 billion.

In addition, the weekly unemployment benefit will temporarily increase by $25 on top of the roughly $300 jobless workers currently receive. Estimated cost: $8.8 billion.

Plus, the first $2,400 of benefits in 2009 would be exempt from federal income taxes. Estimated cost: $4.7 billion.

Food stamp payments:
The bill includes a provision would increase food stamp payments by 13.6%, so a family of four would see an additional $80 on top of the $588 per month they receive currently. Estimated cost: $19.9 billion.

The bill also provides assistance to help local groups providing food and shelter, elderly nutrition services such as Meals on Wheels, and a program to help food banks re-stock their shelves. Estimated cost: $350 million.

Other help for needy families: The bill provides funding to states to create a contingency fund through 2010 for the welfare program called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, which provides cash assistance to the needy. Estimated cost: $2.4 billion.

what's next on stimulus -- how to spend the money out efficiently

That's what I am concerning now.

How long can it help economics head up. Is half year enough ? or one year ? ...
how it helps the stock market.

From this plan we know , Obama can get what he want , however it's not excatly he want. From several thing, we can say this again and again.

he is good but he need more power and more courage to face all kind of challenges.

the current major task is changed into how to spend this money efficiently and quickly to handle the situation before it's going to crash

Thursday, February 12, 2009


周五淡定看升龙, 明天基本上是一个上升的趋势。 但盘尾会有一个回吐的过程。 这样周一就上下自如了。

所以尾盘,周一早盘会打牛头。 所以要设好止损点。 跌势凶猛也不要下井落石。 毕竟这次下探不会走得很远。

基本面已经趋向好转。 当然还要check一下失业率是否还会恶化? 到时候做空也来得及。

主要原因是原来被广泛看好经济刺激方案, 现在的刺激力道已经衰弱很多, 但可以肯定这个方案不管长期如何,短期一定会是个利好。

Post office marks Lincoln's 200th with new stamp series

US Post Office stamps 'commemorating Abraham Lincoln's 200th birthday were unveiled at a dedication ceremony Monday in DC, with special guests U.S. Senator Dick Durbin, Congressman Aaron Schock and Springfield Mayor Tim Davlin in attendance.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The 81st Annual Academy Awards (奥斯卡)

Penelope Cruz at the Oscars Nominee Luncheon in Beverly Hills - 02/02/2009

watch it on tv
Sunday, February 22
8pm ET / 5pm PT on ABC

go this link @ yahoo

google search 'Oscars Nominee Luncheon, photos'

Solar Storm

Scientists use data to create models of solar storms -- violent, dangerous, and more powerful than anything on Earth.

Solar Storm

stock : Msft Vs. AAPL

MSFT up up

AAPL down

since Windows Mobile 6.5 will be good.

别不信,去年我就说Sony will down down
when I saw Samsung LCD TV.

即便没有金融危机, sony 也不行。 AAPL今年也不会很好

这是我的感觉。 让微软盯上的, 就都会微软。




我还真的不知道。 我也不是砸aapl. 凭我也砸不动。

我就随便一说。 不过股东就要多想想了

google search 'Zune future microsoft'

google search 'Zune future

google search 'ipod future

for somebody wanta startup


















逐步换股建仓。 long long long


Microsoft readies smartphone assault on Apple

Microsoft is getting ready to launch an online marketplace akin to Apple's App Store
Microsoft is also readying an upgraded version of its mobile operating system
Microsoft is gearing up to take on rival Apple in the smartphone market.
Announcement expected next week at the Mobile World Congress trade show

Microsoft and CEO Steve Ballmer will launch an online store for smartphone applications, a report says.

The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Microsoft is getting ready to launch an online marketplace akin to Apple's App Store. Microsoft is also readying a more sophisticated version of its mobile operating system called Windows Mobile 6.5, the Journal reported.

Smartphones are sophisticated mobile phones that offer users access to the Web and e-mail, as well as, provide phone calling and all kinds of other messaging options. This category of device is the hottest thing going in the mobile market and is seen as the biggest growth engine for mobile devices over the next few years.

go check the detail @ here

my comment is apple will just like the Sony last year very soon. downside

google search 'Windows Mobile 6.5'

Drug-related violence in Mexico kills 21

A drug gang kidnapped and killed six people along the U.S.-Mexican border region, setting off gunbattles with soldiers that left 15 others dead.

The hours-long skirmishes around the town of Ciudad Ahumada on Tuesday are part of a wave of drug violence that has engulfed parts of Mexico -- and has even spilled across the border -- as the army confronts savage narcotics cartels that are flush with drug money and guns from the U.S.

President Felipe Calderon says that more than 6,000 people died last year in drug-related violence, and U.S. authorities have reported a spike in killings, kidnappings and home invasions linked to the cartels More World Photos

check the location, very close to EL Paso
